3 tips to deepen (and grow) your healing business

If you have a healing business, are a coach, a therapist, or work with clients in any other healing or guidance capacity this podcast is for you. I was inspired to record this podcast because recently I took part in Katie Rössler’s summit “the empowered client” – go follow her on Facebook here. She organises impressive summits and has a lot of value to share around empowering healers and coaches with their practice!

healing business, podcast about how to deepen and grow your healing business

podcast for female soulpreneurs growing their business

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In this episode I am sharing 3 tips for deepening or growing your healing business, coaching, or therapy practice :

– the importance of doing our own work: including epigenetics and healing our ancestral lines

– healing past life karma to overcome money blocks or karmic relationships

– the importance of healthy boundaries between clients and yourself. In particular, I speak about etheric cords between client/healer that often show up when the relationship becomes co-dependent. In addition, I address the “martyr wound”.

– the importance of reflecting on difficult client relationships and what we can improve within ourselves

– spiritual guidance around soul families. I dive into how we choose to incarnate in different scenarios each time and how your students or clients might have been mentors in another life.

I hope one or more of these tips can empower you in your healing business or coaching practice. We are all human and learn as we go. That’s the beauty of a spiritual journey and being of service.

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Do you have a healing business?

If you are a fellow healer and have more tips to share, share them in the comments below or DM me on Instagram. 🙂

Written by Lais Stephan

Lais is a healer, divine channeler & intuitive business coach for female soulpreneurs, creatives, and heart-centered leaders who need help with creating the impact they are here to be making. 

She is the Author of “Universe & You: 11 Steps To Co-Create The Life You Desire” and a poetry collection “Wild Women Rising”.

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