4 Week Online Past Life Regression & Healing Program
About my Program 
Program Structure
Week 1: Karmic Relationships
Learn about your difficult relationships in this life, and understand why some of them are so tough. Understand the lessons you came here to learn together and heal the karma between you. That incluces the relationship you have with yourself, or the relationship you have with money.
Week 2: Past Life Talents & Gifts
Learn about your past live talents and gifts. Retrieve information on what you were doing, what kind of jobs or hobbies you had. How you earned your living. Activate your past gifts also in this life. Or understand how gifts you already have in this life started in numerous past lives.
Week 3: Abuse of Power
Find out why you might find yourself in abusive situations in this life: be it in your relationships, or at work. Be it that you can’t set your boundaries right. Learn about abusive situations in past lives and how you are still repeating these patterns. Heal the karma behind it.
Week 3: Fears & Phobias
Learn about your fears and phobias from this life and where they originated from. Oftentimes our fears aren’t rational, until we see and understand what happened in our past lives. Heal the traumatic root cause of your fears and let go.
How does it work?
- Before you start with this program, I will send you a self-hypnosis audio so you can already get into a relaxed state of mind and be better prepared for the hypnosis tracks for the next weeks.
- We will start with an easy method to retrieve past life information, without even being hypnotised.
- Every week on Saturday, you will receive a new audio file that will guide you into a past life. You can listen to it any time that’s convenient to you. And you can listen to it as many times as you wish, in case you want to see different past lives. At the end there is a powerful healing exercise, so that you can release this past life, heal any karma and move forward having learned the lessons.
- Also every week on Saturday, there will be a LIVE ONLINE Q&A & Healing session where you get a chance to share with the group (and me) what you saw or felt. You can ask questions and if needed I will do a group healing for everyone.
- There will be a private FB group where you have access to me throughout the week and the course duration.
Starting Date: Saturday, May 4th: you receive your first audio
- You will receive a recorded audio via email, or via the secret FB group and you will have until the following Saturday to listen to it.
- You will also receive instructions and an intro.
- Then every following Saturday you will receive the remaining audios for 4 weeks to cover the different topics.
Dates for the LIVE Online Q&A and Healing sessions:
After your first audio you have 1 week to see your first past life. Then we have our live Q&A session.
Week 1: Saturday, May 11th, 12 PM CEST Berlin, 11 AM London, 6 AM New York, 6PM Bali
Week 2: Saturday, May 18th same time
Week 3: Saturday, May 25th same time
week 4: Saturday, June 1st same time
Please note: If you are unable to attend one or more live session, that’s absolutely ok. You will receive the recorded sessions and through this will still have access to the Q&A & healing. You can also submit your questions to me beforehand so I can include them in the live sessions.
Price & Freebies
Price: 247 USD which includes:
- 5 powerful self-hypnosis audio files for you to download and to listen to at your own convenience.
- You get to keep all audios for future use.
- Healing after each past life you see inside of the audio.
- A weekly LIVE ONLINE group Q&A & Healing Session with me where we can dig deeper into the healing experience.
- A private and secret Facebook group where you can meet like minded people and share your stories.
- Includes a FREE 70+ amazing numerology report for the whole year as an early bird offer
- Early Bird offers available until March 31st: 222 USD instead of 247 USD
- Payment in 2 instalments of 135$ per month available, ask me for more info and to set up (not available for early bird discount)
- Bring a friend and you both pay only 200 USD as early bird, or 222 USD after the deadline.
Thanks sooooooooooooooooooooo much Lais. It was very healing. I’m very grateful!
UK, February 2017
This course helped me to understand why we are on this earth. I feel a bit more stable. It’s like if my HUGE curiosity about past lives were now ok.
Netherlands, February 2017
The course was insightful and fascinating. It opened up a new perspective on my current anxiety, worries and energetic problems, and helped me to make sense of them. A lot of questions were answered and new ones came up, which Lais was great at answering. Her support throughout the course was timely, suggestions were thorough and tailored to each individual. I would definitely recommend the course to anyone interested in a different and more profound level of introspection. Brazil, February 2017
Lais guided us into different memories of the past where we had things to be understood and forgiven in order to move on in different aspects of our present lives. I got to see things that I did to others or that others did to me that were really bad. Lais feedback helped me to understand the consequences of these actions in my present life and relationships. I can say that thanks to the knowledge that I gained through the course, I have forgiven myself and moved on in a couple of karmic relationships of this present life. Thanks Lais, you are the best!
Colombia, 2016
Watch my webinar for more info on past lives
Ever since I was a teenager I was fascinated by everything related to past lives, reincarnation & karma, and read everything I could find about it.
In my late twenties I started to have past life visions, and suddenly understood all of my difficult relationships, whether with my parents, or in my terrible love life. I understood the root cause of my irrational fears, especially when it came to embodying my true gifts and talents in this life.
I had a very traditional business background and worked for the biggest FMCG companies and branding agencies. When I found out that I am a healer, through and through, and had been for many lifetimes, as well as incredibly psychic it was a whole journey for me to let go of my old self, and embrace the new me: or rather the REAL me. 🙂
I would say that seeing and healing my past life karma was the ONE THING that really brought me forward in life. Be it that I could finally attract the right man into my life, be it that I could build my healing business from scratch, be it that I removed all my limitig beliefs and fears stemming from past lives that had left significant abundance blocks in my life.
Since then I have worked with hundreds of women around the world on their karma, their fears and any of their blockages.
I have become an expert in past life regression and karma, and there is nothing that brings me more joy than to facilitate this incredible journey for other women.