How to make money being a podcast guest

Jan 24, 2023

This week on my podcast I speak about how to make money being a podcast guest.

In this episode, I share how I generated 2700 USD in a couple of months just by being on other people’s podcasts & summits as a guest speaker, and that this is one of my top priorities and strategies for my BIZ in 2023. I referenced episode #5 “How to start a podcast for free” with Emily Tennison where I shared this information for the 1st time.

How do I become a guest podcaster?

I am sure you, like me, wondered not only how to make money being a podcast guest, but also how to find these opportunities. Hence, I give a few tips on my podcast, including groups where it’s easy to find speaking gigs. Facebook groups are a great way to connect to fellow podcasters or summit hosts. Same for Instagram or LinkedIn. All you need to do is research these and find hosts who are aligned with your message and key expertise.

I referenced the Female Entrepreneur Association, a group of female entrepreneurs as a great source to find anything from co-working buddies to summit & guest speaking opportunities.

In addition, Katie Rössler is a great summit host who’s always looking for great guest speakers for her summits. You can find her on Facebook here. Parts of my talk on epigenetics & ancestral healing you can listen to here.

Find Katie on FB here:

I spoke about Emily Tennison and her podcast: “The Healing Corner With Emily Tennison”

Listen to the podcast on apple below on how to make money as a podcast guest:

Listen to it on Youtube:

You can find me on my website:



Written by Lais Stephan

Lais is a healer, divine channeler & intuitive business coach for female soulpreneurs, creatives, and heart-centered leaders who need help with creating the impact they are here to be making. 

She is the Author of “Universe & You: 11 Steps To Co-Create The Life You Desire” and a poetry collection “Wild Women Rising”.

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