past life case study

past life case study

I love it when I’m working with a client, and she has the exact same visions as I had during the healing. Today I was working with a lovely Spanish woman online, who had a past life where she had been tortured. When I told her my visions, she confirmed she had...

Attracting wrong men: case study

I had a lovely session with a woman who told me about all the wrong types of men she had been dating and that she was tired of attracting the wrong men into her life. I checked her energy field and found a big block: “Fear of abandonment”. I used hypnosis...

Space Clearing of a post office in the UK

I have been flown into UK several times for space clearing projects. This one was in a post office. All I knew was that the owner wanted a professional space clearing done. Me and my mum (who also does the same work as I do) went there together to work on this...
Behind the scenes of a healer’s life

Behind the scenes of a healer’s life

Sometimes I work with women and during the healing I have tears running because I connect to that woman’s soul and I see so clearly who she is, and who she has been in many past lives. The traumas she suffered, the lessons she has been learning, and is still...
How does a distance Reiki healing feel like?

How does a distance Reiki healing feel like?

When I have a new client interested in my distance healing Reiki packages, I will always schedule a free chat to explain what Reiki is, and to understand what the client would like to get out of working with me.  As an intuitive Reiki practitioner I can access your...
What is Reiki?

What is Reiki?

I learned Reiki in 2011, without knowing what it was, or before having had a treatment before. I hadn’t even heard about it until I was in a very low point in my life and started hearing my inner voice whispering “Reiki”. I was in need for deep healing. I urgently...
How Reiki can help women with burnout

How Reiki can help women with burnout

As an ASCA-accredited Reiki therapist working in Geneva and internationally, I have many clients who come to me with burnout symptoms, as well as clients who already are on sick leave because of burnout. I can help with Burnout prevention, as well as, help you to heal...