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Read on if you want to have a successful spiritual business
Hello, sparkly impact maker
A few months ago, I was sitting on my couch on a tiny island in Sweden where my partner, my pup, and I spent a few months over winter. Sitting on that couch, I felt deeply inspired by a quote I came across by Mother Teresa.
I’m a little pencil in the hand of God, who is sending a love letter to the world.
Mother Teresa
In 2010 I quit corporate with nothing else lined up. Mainly because I had no clue what I wanted to do. All I knew was it wasn’t corporate. I felt I had a big mission, yet I did not know what it entailed.
And that’s when the magic in my life started. At that moment, I left something behind that didn’t align with who I was anymore.
Since that moment, I have been divinely guided every step of the way. I left my corporate job behind to travel to Thailand to heal my emotional burnout, broken heart, and my spiritual disconnection. My main realisation was that I had built a life for myself that sucked. A life that might have made someone else very happy, but not me.
If you would like to embody more of your future impact right now and get into the energy, mindset, and action-taking vibes of your future impactful self: you can enroll in my free 4-Day-Challenge “Manifest More Impact, Profit & Success in your Biz” now.
About spiritual disconnection
Let me tell you: nothing ever prepares you for that kind of spiritual disconnection and the pain you’ll go through on a soul level when you realise you studied for years at University to become a “productive member” of society with a high-level job, an amazing salary, and all the perks of being part of the system, and then what happens once you realise:
“Hang on a minute - I hate the system” and you want badly out of it as if your life depended on it, but you don’t know what’s next. No one handed me a manual: “In case you suck at corporate, do this instead...”
Not knowing what else I could be good at was a scary place to be in. In fact, I felt like I wasn’t good at anything.
Yet, I seemed to have a tiny seed of faith within me. A voice guiding me. The very first step I took seriously entailed trusting that inner voice, who had been guiding me towards self-healing. I wrote about this in the intro of my self-help book: “Universe & You:11 Steps To Co-Create The Life You Desire”
My next step was to become a healer and open up my own successful spiritual business
Throughout my self-healing journey, I needed to practice healing modalities on others to progress to the next levels. And that’s when it dawned on me:
“Damn, so this is what I enjoy doing. This is who I enjoy being. This is who I enjoy showing up as. This is what the Universe, my Higher Self, and whatever other funky higher being up there intended me to do with my life.”
In those moments, I felt like being God’s pencil. Someone had guided me towards that one path. And this path would be my love letter to the world. Serving women as a channel for the divine to speak through me, a channel for divine healing energy to flow through me. Helping women to create the impact they chose to make before incarnating on Earth.
However, let’s not fool ourselves. It’s a hard path. From finding it to allowing ourselves to embody it fully and to stay on it. Because we will be challenged. Multiple times. Here is another quote I was inspired by recently:
It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.
E. E. Cummings
That’s what your Higher Self is mostly invested in. To guide you towards becoming who you are through your mission and the impact you are here
to make by being who you are meant to be.
“Growing into who we are supposed to be is the prerequisite for creating a big impact.”
So if we avoid our path, the Universe, our Higher Self, whatever you call that higher power, will start closing doors for us. It will feel like everything is falling into pieces. Or, at the very least, we will feel like we hit rock bottom.
Hitting rock bottom is a sacred moment in someone’s life. It’s the time when one takes more empowering decisions, such as changing a destructive pattern or behaviour. Embarking on a new journey. Leaving a marriage or quitting drinking.
And that’s the thing with your mission, sparkly souls. We have already chosen it. It’s already ours and we already carry everything we need to create a big impact within us.
Sure, we will sign up for courses, learn new modalities, improve our art, or our writing. But through our devotion, and our journey towards self-mastery, we will express our unique gifts in such a way that we will create the impact we are here to make. Every step of the way.
Being God’s pencil, as I further reflected on the quote, meant so many things:
1) I literally can’t fuck up. I’m only a channel that’s being used (sure I have a lot to say too, but I believe that every idea I have, every spark that comes to me, every program I channel for my business, or every poem I write, are all coming to me and through me for a reason.)
If I fail or if an idea doesn’t translate–so what? I believe in abundance. And that where that idea came from, there are many more waiting for me to take inspired action on. Our Higher Self will gift us ideas to take action on just to keep us inspired. So we keep going instead of falling into lethargy or worse. I don’t question why certain projects didn’t create the impact I had intended them to. Even when I gave it my all.
2) The journey feels less lonely when we know we have a higher force behind us every step of the way. Sometimes having a big mission can feel overwhelming. It definitely helps to have a biz bestie or another female soulpreneur around you who understand your journey.
3) Having a loving presence with me every day is my fuel. Feeling that infinite love helps me to be an embodiment of love, too. It helps me embody love through my writing, my services, and the way I show up to serve my clients.
My key tip for any female soulpreneur wanting to create a bigger impact is to allow yourself to be a channel through which a higher power can work through. To follow inspiration and wisdom nuggets without hesitation. To let go of fears and open yourself up for magnificence to pour through you. You cannot fail if you allow yourself to be “God’s pencil’, as Mother Teresa would say.
I have created something beautiful for you:
If you would like to embody more of your future impact right now and get into the energy, mindset, and action-taking vibes of your future impactful self: you can enroll in my free 4-Day-Challenge “Manifest More Impact, Profit & Success in your Biz” now.