Attracting wrong men: case study

I had a lovely session with a woman who told me about all the wrong types of men she had been dating and that she was tired of attracting the wrong men into her life. I checked her energy field and found a big block: “Fear of abandonment”. I used hypnosis...
Behind the scenes of a healer’s life

Behind the scenes of a healer’s life

Sometimes I work with women and during the healing I have tears running because I connect to that woman’s soul and I see so clearly who she is, and who she has been in many past lives. The traumas she suffered, the lessons she has been learning, and is still...
How Reiki can help women with burnout

How Reiki can help women with burnout

As an ASCA-accredited Reiki therapist working in Geneva and internationally, I have many clients who come to me with burnout symptoms, as well as clients who already are on sick leave because of burnout. I can help with Burnout prevention, as well as, help you to heal...
About Past Lives & Karma

About Past Lives & Karma

Growing up my biggest fear used to be that I would die. Not exactly death itself. What really horrified me the most was the thought that it was really over. That nothing would happen once I die. I was also terrified of losing loved ones and never seeing them again. At...