Season Two begins with a special guest, Kerri, who shares her unique experience of having a poltergeist removed through space clearing Kerri introduces the Woo School, a platform for healers and leaders in various fields. The Woo School is a trusted...
Have you wondered what space clearing is or how negative energy can affect you, your family, and your business? In this episode, I share a heart-warming little story of how a teenage girl contacted me to enquire about my remote space-clearing service. I also explain a...
What exactly is energetic Space Clearing I am often asked, followed by when to know whether you need one. As a Space Clearing Expert with over a decade of experience and many space clearings performed remotely worldwide, I have a lot to share about this. You are...
I received a request for an emergency remote space clearing from a client in the UK. She suspected there was a poltergeist with them in the house. It was my day off and I had other projects I was spending time on, but given the severity of the situation, I agreed to...
As a half Brazilian Space Clearing expert living in Europe, I was honoured to do a remote space clearing for a client in Brazil. I had been asked to energetically space clear an apartment because the family there felt some negative energy lately. As always, before...
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